Before we meet and take a client out on an appointment it is important that we have as much information from you as possible so that we can carry out our job professionally, honestly and to the very best of our ability.
Please take 10 mins to fill out this form as completely as possible and this will prevent any miscommunication and wasted time and will also give you some insights as to how things work and various other property related information.
- Have you been to Hua Hin before ? ………………………………………
- If yes, how many times have you visited the area ? …………………………………..
- How well do you know the different areas of the town ? (if applicable)…………………………….
- If you have visited before have you viewed property ? ………………. If yes, How long ago was this ? ………………………………..
- If you have looked at property before please try and give us a run down of what you have seen ? ………………………………..
- Where are you In regards to your search for Property here in Hua Hin or the surrounding areas ? ………………………………..
- a) If you found a property that you wanted would you be in a position to buy that property now ?…………………………………..
- b) Are you looking to buy within the next 3-6 Months ? ……………………………………………….
- c) Are you looking to buy within the next 6-12 Months ? ……………………………………………..
- d) Are you looking to buy but are not sure yet ?………………………………………………………..
- e) Is this viewing appointment just to get an idea of the property market for the future ? ……………………………………………………….
- f) You are literally just browsing at this moment in time and not sure whether you will buy or not ? …………………………………………………………………..
Important Note : (Please be totally honest when answering this question, we have been doing this job for many years and are aware that some of our potential clients may never buy and some are not ready to buy yet and some people that will eventually buy from us we will have to spend numerous times with on different visits before they buy. We will still spend time with you and show you some property regardless of how you answer this question but it will make a difference on what we show you. As an example, if you are not ready to buy for another year then we will not waste your time or ours showing you resale villas or condos that will be sold before you are ready to buy)
- How do you intend to finance your purchase ?…………………………………………………….
(It’s important that you are clear on this from the outset, if you are looking to finance in Thailand there is a few limited Villa development projects that may offer finance, we also work with a company that are able to offer 50% non-status finance on a condo purchase See here. We ask this question for various reasons but here is an example of why we ask it : I have been with a client before who told me he was ready to buy a villa between 6-8 Mil THB. We spent 2 days viewing numerous resale villas in various areas of Hua Hin and we found a villa that he really liked and wanted to buy, so we met at my office and this question was asked ‘Lee, so I’m ready to buy this villa, now we have to talk about a mortgage – So give me the details of the bank where I can go and apply ? and we can start the process’ to note : there is no current banks that lend money for the property purchase of a property in Thailand for a foreigner unfortunately this is not possible ! It may be possible for a Thai national so if you have a Thai partner then she may be able to get finance from a bank for the purchase but she would have to have been living here in Thailand and working for a minimum 2 years and receive a good income and have a good credit history with statments)
- Whilst you are here in Hua Hin searching for property how many real estate agents do you intend to use ? ………………………………………………………
- If you are using another real estate agent as well as us then please let us know exactly what properties you will be viewing with them (This is to avoid complications such as double bookings on the same properties or new property developments………………………………..
(A note on using multiple agents on your search for property in Hua Hin, there really is no need or reason at all why you would use multiple agents, we would obviously prefer that you use only us but it’s reasonably normal for clients to maybe want to use 2 agents to get some different opinions on the market. The reason for not using multiple agents is almost all agents and certainly the reputable one’s with high street offices list ALL of the same new build and off-plan new developments and mostly all of the resale villas and condos we all have listed too. So if you are looking at resale villas or condos with more than one agent please send us links of what you are looking at so that we can double check we don’t have it double booked. If you are looking at new build, please also send us the project names.
How agency partnerships work between developer and agent – When a real estate agent takes a client to a new development we register a name with the developer, this ensures that you are our client on that particular development and if you buy there we get paid our fee, if you want to go back to the development for a second viewing you would go back with us and it’s imperative that if another agent tries to take you back to a project you have already been to with us you decline because it’s wasting everyone’s time, this is fair, proper and honest. Very similar to a resale home, we register the name of the client with the seller and they are contractually obliged to sell through us.
We also have working relationships with some agencies, meaning on occasions when we both have the same client we agree to work together to find what the client wants and work on a split fee basis, this is fine for us as long as things are always clear and talked about before-hand.
Exclusive agents : There is very, very few property sellers that have exclusive agreements with agents and use multiple agents to market their property, that’s the way it mostly works in Hua Hin.)
- What is your approximate budget for a property purchase here in Hua Hin ? ………………………………..
(This doesn’t have to be exact and we are well aware that most clients may possibly go above their initial budget if they fall in love with something they see. We will also never just take you to properties equal to your budget or higher, we will show you things under your budget if we can find a property that matches your criteria, everyone likes to make saving where possible ! PLEASE, don’t tell us you don’t really have a budget, this is most unhelpful and in reality everyone has an idea of budget and if you don’t then we can assist you in setting one.)
- Initial reason for buying ? Investment ?……………………. Retirement ?……………………. Holiday home ?…………………………… Rental property ?…………………………………………
Now down to property specific questions :
- Are you looking to buy a Villa, Condo or Land ?……………………………………………..
- Specific area if you have one ? …………………………………………………
- Would you buy off-plan if we can find you what you are looking for from our selected list of very reputable developers ? ……………………………………………….
(Buying off-plan can make you great savings buying direct from a developer and can also be beneficial if you want some small custom changes made to the villa too)
Most Developers have several different models of villas at different prices as well as various different land plot sizes. If you are in no hurry to move here right away and most people can wait between 6-12 months then we recommend off-plan from a reputable property developer. And in reality who doesn’t want a brand new house to move into where they can make there own special touches to the place ?)
- If you are considering a resale property would you consider buying one that needed small repairs or a little attention ? ……………………………..
- How many Bedrooms required ? ………………………………………..
- How many bathrooms ? ……………………………………………….
- If a villa how big a land plot ? ……………………………………………
- If Villa do you have a style in mind ? …………………………………………..
- If Villa on a project or stand alone ?…………………………………… (Note, 95% of villas in Hua Hin are on projects)
- Living area in condo or villa ? …………………………………………..
- If condo do you require a sea view ?…………………………. (Note, Anthing with a sea view has a premium to pay and can be expensive)
- If villa is a swimming pool required ? ……………………………….
- In regards to a villa, how far from town would you like to be ?………………………………. (Note, in reality almost all villas are between 5 – 15 minutes drive from town)
- Furnished or un-furnished ?………………………….. (Note, most resale villas and condos come fully furnished, all off-plan come with discounted, brand new furniture package options if wanted)
- Do you have any other requirements or questions at this stage ? If so please feel free to write some remarks below…..
Remarks : ………………………………..………………………………..
Our Commitment:
We are a professional, honest and reputable real estate agency here in Hua Hin, we have lived and worked here many years and this is our home for the long term, we will give you the professional service you should expect from any real estate agent in the world and try our very best to assist in finding the perfect dream property for you. All we expect back for our time is for you to give us some feedback after appointments and let us know how we perform. References can be given on request.
Lee Phillips
CEO – Hua Hin Property Solutions
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